Did you know perimenopause can start when a woman is in her mid to late thirties?

menoppause perimenopause Jul 05, 2024

 First of all, what is perimenopause? 

So we’re all on the same page: it is the period of time during which the female body starts to transition to menopause (the end of the reproductive years). This occurs partly because estrogen levels start to rise and fall unevenly. 

This typically lasts 4-8 years in most women & typically begins in her mid-forties, but it can last a decade or more if a woman starts the process in her mid-to-late thirties. 

Yes, according to Mayo Clinic, I said as early as her mid-thirties.

If your client is experiencing something different than her normal physical or even mental status, this could be a sign of hormonal changes. 

As a Fit Pro, watch for any change that your client can’t quite attribute to a specific cause or acute incident/diagnosis. These can also impact her posture and movement habits, making it difficult to progress toward her posture and movement goal. 

It’s time to refer her to her healthcare provider. If you’re ever unsure how best to help your client, remember this phrase: “When in doubt, refer out.”  




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