Know Your Clients’ Health Histories

According to a study reported in Obstetrics & Gynecology, women who had a partial hysterectomy were 2 times more likely to experience early menopause than their counterparts who did not have hysterectomies.

 Why would you, the Fit Pro, need to know whether your client had a partial hysterectomy, let alone a full hysterectomy vs. none at all? 

How does this make a difference in her exercise program? 

These bits of information are the puzzle pieces that, once put together, illustrate the full picture of a woman’s health history.  Knowing that she had a partial hysterectomy means she might experience the symptoms of menopause sooner than anticipated.  Not only will a post-surgical core influence her posture and movement, it means these hormonal changes will also influence what exercises she can tolerate, what exercises might be contraindicated, and what ones need to be modified, so she can safely, effectively, and sustainably achieve her functional fitness goals. 

Check out our two-hour CEU online course to learn more about working with clients going through peri/menopause.


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