What can you do, as the Fit Pro, as it relates to perimenopause?

 Because hormone fluctuations can impact how well a woman executes an exercise pattern, there might be days/weeks when she struggles with her program. 

This might mean:

  • You need to manage her expectations 
  • Meet her wants with what she actually needs

It’ll be especially important at this time to monitor her form as well as decrease the number of reps and the amount of load. 

We have all experienced at least a client or two who does NOT like putting on the breaks. 

However, we can pave a smoother path.  It simply means doing a “Recovery Day/Week.”  Assure her that you’re still working toward her goal and that this week appears to be a week that her body is needing a bit of recovery.  Perhaps it can be phrased, “In an effort to help you maintain a successful workout, we’re going to modify your program in a manner that allows you to perform exercises that still move you toward your goal but won’t break you down in the process.”  This way, you’re managing her expectations, letting her know you’re still focused on the goal, and you have her best interest in mind.


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