Did you know breathlessness can be a sign/symptom of menopause?

According to a study in the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care, breathlessness can be due to inflammation in the body, and, in some cases, estrogen can play a role in inflammation.  As you are likely aware, estrogen levels fluctuate during a woman’s cycle and can be more dramatic as she moves through perimenopause and into menopause.

Also, on a concurrent note, a study by the journal Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, was done on regularly menstruating females to determine their CO2 sensitivity during the phases of their cycles.  It found that a woman’s sensitivity to CO2 increased during the luteal phase, or the phase leading up to her menses.  Progesterone levels rise during the luteal phase, and progesterone is a respiratory stimulant.  In other words, breath rate can change during the phases of a woman’s cycle as hormones fluctuate.  If progesterone can stimulate a faster breath cycle, this can drop the CO2 levels, and in a...

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The Best Way to Improve Thoracic Rotation


Best corrective exercise for improving spinal health and thoracic rotation.

Dr.Evan Osar shares the simplest way to achieve and maintain optimal rotation.


For more information on incorporating breathwork to improve posture, movement, and performance, check out: 

Breath: For Posture, For Movement, For Performance

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The secret to resolving chronic tightness


What’s the secret to resolving chronic tightness?

It’s the same ‘secret’ that can help your client’s posture and even improve performance.

Dr. Evan Osar of Integrative Movement Institute discusses how breath training can be incorporated into your programs to change posture, increase flexibility, and even improve balance and strength.

If you enjoyed this information and are looking to learn more about how improved breath can help your clients, check out the Two Anatomy Geeks™ series,  Anatomy of Breathing.

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