According to a study in the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care, breathlessness can be due to inflammation in the body, and, in some cases, estrogen can play a role in inflammation. As you are likely aware, estrogen levels fluctuate during a woman’s cycle and can be more dramatic as she moves through perimenopause and into menopause.
Also, on a concurrent note, a study by the journal Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, was done on regularly menstruating females to determine their CO2 sensitivity during the phases of their cycles. It found that a woman’s sensitivity to CO2 increased during the luteal phase, or the phase leading up to her menses. Progesterone levels rise during the luteal phase, and progesterone is a respiratory stimulant. In other words, breath rate can change during the phases of a woman’s cycle as hormones fluctuate. If progesterone can stimulate a faster breath cycle, this can drop the CO2 levels, and in a...
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