In this longer video, Dr. Osar and Jenice look at the correlation between low back discomfort and the shoulders. During this video, you will start to identify shoulder posture that may be contributing to your client's lower back issues and how you can start the process of moving them toward more optimal posture through cues and exercises.
Check out our upcoming 2024 Webinar series for more in-depth information like this.
Posture and cues during upper body exercises.
How some common cues are driving nonoptimal posture.
Better cues to promote optimal posture.
Dr. Osar shares research that shows similarities between people who have low back pain at any training level from the aging population to high-level athletes.
Also in this video: Easy-to-use assessments and how to get started.
Explore our blog for more videos like this.
Train clients with pelvic floor issues or coccyx pain?
Listen in with Dr. Evan Osar - author of Corrective Exercise Solutions to Common Hip and Shoulder Dysfunctions - as he discusses a common reason why.
For more information, check out the brand new series of Two Anatomy Geeks™: Anatomy of Female Specific Conditions.
We’ll be covering:
3 Keys to Addressing low back pain and providing low back pain relief for adults.
Dr. Evan Osar of Integrative Movement Institute discusses his go-to method and some myths surrounding low back issues. And he shares his number 1 corrective exercise strategy for improving posture and using posture correction.
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